Award-Winning Book
Interpreting LGBT History at Museums and Historic Sites

Interpreting LGBT History at Museums and Historic Sites is a handbook for historical organizations interested in sharing stories about same-sex love and desire, as well as well as the full spectrum of gender expression.
Part of the American Association for State and Local History’s Interpreting History series, this book discusses reasons for organizations to explore this this underrepresented part of the past; offers best practices; provides an overview of LGBTQ history in the United States; and includes three case studies from organizations engaging various approaches to share the LGBTQ past with visitors.
Interpreting LGBT History at Museums and Historic Sites is available directly from the publisher (Rowman & Littlefield) as well as online booksellers. Follow the buttons on the right to link directly with the seller of your choice.
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Winner of NCPH Book Award
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: A Pep Talk for the Faint of Heart
Chapter 3: Approaching LGBT History
Chapter 4: “The Abominable Sin”: European Contact to the Late-Nineteenth Century
Chapter 5: Creating Communities: Late-Nineteenth Century to the Mid-1960s
Chapter 6: We’re Here, We’re Queer, Get Used to It:
Mid-1960s to United States v. Windsor (2013)
Chapter 7: History Coda: What A Strange Year It’s Been
Chapter 8: Trends in LGBT Historical Interpretation
Chapter 9: Case Study—Displaying Queer History at the Chicago History Museum:
Lessons from the Curators of Out in Chicago
Jill Austin and Jennifer Brier
Chapter 10: Case Study—The Varied Telling of Queer History at Historic New England Sites
Kenneth C. Turino
Chapter 11: Case Study—Interpreting for the Next Generation:
The Summer History Immersion Program (Minnesota)
Kyle Parsons and Stewart Van Cleve
Chapter 12: Issues to Consider When Interpreting LGBT History
Chapter 13: Conclusion: Some Suggestions
Appendix 1: Timeline of Key Events in LGBT United States History
Appendix 2: Recommended Reading
Appendix 3: Bibliography
Appendix 4: About the Authors