Public History Tour 2024: Australia Edition
In November/December 2024, I had a rare opportunity to travel to Australia to give the keynote address at the LGBTQ Migration Symposium. This event was

Washington 2SLGBTQIA+ History Month
Description of a 2SLGBTQIA+ History Month event I was part of.

Speaking of LGBTQ Historic Preservation
This week I’ll be speaking at the Revitalize Washington conference in Wenatchee. This event is the annual convening of historic preservationists and Main Street America

Maryland’s LGBTQ History Study is Second in Nation
I’m thrilled that my Historic Context Study for the Maryland Historical Trust is leading the national charge for more LGBTQ history. Press Release by Preservation

New Project: Preserving LGBTQ Sites in Maryland
In summer 2020, I wrapped up a historic context study of LGBTQ History in Maryland, a document to assist historic preservationists seeking to identify and
A Word from the Home Office
More than four months since cutting short the Spring 2020 public history tour because of the COVID-19 pandemic, I’m still mostly hunkered down. Since most

Out and About in October and November 2019
After a lovely seven weeks at my home base, I’m preparing to get back on the road this week for a few appearances. On October
Recent Articles on Queer Public History
In the last few months, two articles that I wrote on queer public history topics have been published, one in the realm of LGBTQ historic